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Innodata Named Major Stakeholder for Don Calixto Elementary School Following Computer Lab Upgrade

On November 29, 2021, Innodata accepted a Plaque of Recognition for being an Active Stakeholder of the Department of Education Mandaue City Division.  

Innodata received this honor after donating a fully furnished computer laboratory to Don Calixto Elementary School (DCES) in June 2021, which houses five computers, a 42-inch flat-screen Smart TV monitor, and a library filled with an assortment of children’s books. Innodata donated the facility following the school’s need for a functional computer lab that would assist students in conducting research and technology-based projects while piquing their interest and enthusiasm for technology and science.

DCES teachers currently use the computers for their modules, online classes, and training sessions since face-to-face classes are not yet allowed. Once the school fully re-opens, students will use the computers to practice what their teachers have taught in class.

Mrs. Manglallan, DCES’s Principal, stated, “The school has decided to nominate Innodata as our primary stakeholder due to their sustainability and tangible projects. Innodata generously donated additional resources to the school in order to improve academic performance and foster community pride and commitment. They become involved in the school’s Enhanced School Improvement plan, which may have an effect on the overall success of the school.”

Innodata is extremely proud its employees breathe life into the company’s core values of helping its local communities. The Innodata team is committed to providing regular maintenance for the computer lab, as well as any immediate technical assistance the school may need.

Innodata is honored to support children’s education through technological advancement and looks forward to nurturing its relationship with DCES for years to come.

Don Calixto Elementary School Receives Computer Lab ― Innodata Inc.

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