
Applied AI

Guiding Clients From Ideation Through Implementation With AI-Powered Technologies & Advisory Services

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Learn How AI Can Cut Costs & Increase Efficiency

The Applied AI Method

The Trusted and Proven Process For Implementing Effective Transformation

Innodata deploys best-in-class third-party and proprietary data collection, annotation, and extraction AI/ML models and platforms to transform your data flows and business operations. Our experts leverage our proven methodology to help automate operations, speed up manual tasks, and shift your expert talent to creative and analytical work.

Our experts assess your business and strategize a plan for technology implementation and growth through:

  • Evaluating Current State Operations and Identifying Opportunities
  • Holding Ideation Workshops & Educational Sessions
  • Performing Gap Analyses & Early-Stage Solutioning

Our team will deliver a blueprint for digital transformation success, specifically built to guide you into the future of work by:

  • Establishing and Validating the Business Case for Investment
  • Designing Future State Business Process (Inclusive of Technology)
  • Understanding and Planning for Organizational Impacts
Our experts will implement technology and help build internal support capabilities by:

  • Building Customized AI and ML Models That Support Business Processes
  • Maximizing Time to Value Through Rapid Proof of Concepts
  • Guiding Execution of the Transformation Roadmap
  • Providing Organizational Change Management Expertise

Post-implementation, Innodata ensures continued success and growth through:

  • Providing Performance Insights and Result Analytics
  • Designing Governance Models and Organizational Training for Increased Program Adoption
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Improvement Through Managed Services Teams
  • Putting Measures in Place to Help Protect Your Investments

You Bring the Use Case, We Bring the Expertise

Redesign Organizational Structure to Provide Value Realization
Remove Paper Processing With Intelligent Document Extraction
Utilize Prebuilt Synthetic Data for Faster AI Model Training and Deployment
Identify Content of Image, Video, Sensor, Speech, Audio, and Text Data With Data Annotation
Establish a Business Case to Achieve Enterprise Goals
Provide Self-Serve Customer Support With Conversational AI (Chatbots)
Capture, Source, and Generate Data to Scale Model Development
Build Trust and Improve User Experience With AI & Human-Powered Content Moderation

Accessible AI Transformation

Eliminate boring and mundane tasks like data gathering, data crunching, and document processing so your valuable human experts can shift to higher-level tasks that require analysis, creative thinking, judgment, and other skill sets.

By leveraging our experienced consulting team, you can start thinking differently about how to solve business challenges with our AI-based platforms and solutions.

Improve Customer Experience

Provide Better Solutions to End Customers Through AI

Scale Business Operations

Remove Bandwidth Issues and Enable Business Continuity

Ensure Market Flexibility

Respond Quickly to Market Changes

Substitute Manual Workforces

Identify and Realize Savings From a Hybrid Workforce (Human/Digital) and Unlock the Future of Work

Increase Efficiency

Improve Process Efficiency Through Digitizing Data

Make Informed Decisions

Better Utilize Existing Data to Improve Insights

Align Enterprise Ambitions

Prioritize Competing Transformation Initiatives

Combine Technologies

Leverage the Power of Multiple Data Technologies in an Integrated Platform

Transform Your Business Workflow Operations & Unlock the Future of Work

Success Stories

Learn How We’re Helping Our Clients Drive Business Operations With Professional Services

Data Extraction for Mergers & Acquisitions Analytics

A leading financial intelligence company required automation to provide hourly updates on deals.

Multilingual Bio-Medical & Chemistry Patent Data Processing

A leading patent analytics provider needed to extract and label data from global patents in multiple languages.

Contract Risk and Compliance Platform for Investment Banking

A global investment bank required the preparation of complex derivative agreements data for a regulatory and compliance platform.

Legal Document Tagging & Customized XML Schema

A global legal information and analytics organization needed to create labeled data for legal research, search, and discovery.

You’re So Close to Accessible AI Transformation

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Learn How AI Can Cut Costs & Increase Efficiency. Transform Your Business Workflow Operations & Unlock the Future of Work.

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Learn How AI Can Cut Costs & Increase Efficiency. Transform Your Business Workflow Operations & Unlock the Future of Work.